After being attacked by an international hacker group that encrypted most of our production data and demanded ransomware we were forced to close down the SCIEM workshop.
Not willing to pay for my own data and intellectual property, after some lengthy "negotiations" I decided to give up.
Most of our production data is gone for good, affecting the development of both PAST and OSM. This destroys many years of corporate work.
The loss of the entire development works on PAST6 - previously planned release date summer 2023 - hurts the most.
Features like native Apple OSX support, an interface to the R statstics engine and database integration for handling large to very large data sets have gone for the forseeable future.
But we will not let the bad guys have the last word!
Starting January 2025, the SCIEM programs PAST5 and OSM4 can be downloaded and used FREE OF CHARGE by anybody.
These two programs are made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 license.
This means that you may download, install and use the programs without any limitations for free.
You may create and share copies of the installer binaries as long as you do not alter the original data downloaded from the SCIEM homepage.
The creation of derivatives of the software is explicitly prohibited.
Any monetarisation of the exchange of the program binaries or attached data is prohibited.
This does NOT affect the USE of PAST5 or OSM4. You are completely free to use the programs up to your needs (including commercial use)!
Download the installation .zip files here:
I wish to say THANK YOU to all the great people in the dendro community that supported me during the last 20+ years. I had a great time serving you and I hope that my contributions to the dendro community may count for something.
You can reach me using the usual email addresses. Response might be slower than expected though!
Thank you for your understanding!
Bernhard Knibbe
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Herausgeber und für den Inhalt verantwortlich
DI Bernhard Knibbe
F.Hanuschgasse 13
2345 Brunn am Gebirge
Austria, EC